
Preis ab: 90 90
Kontakt Phone: +49 (0)151 179 807 13
Country: Germany
City: Berlin
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Arbeitszeiten: 17-6 Uhr – Montag – Sonntag
90 EURO für die erste Stunde
170 EURO für zwei Stunden
250 EURO für drei Stunden
450 EURO für sechs Stunden
850 EURO Übernacht (12 Std.)
1500 EURO Tag & Nacht (24 Std.)
2500 EURO Happy Weekend (48 Std.)
4999 EURO für eine Woche

Do you want to become much happier? Do not you believe that the real quins exist? Then this girl will prove you it! Pamela is the woman from your dreams, be sure. She is a girl with an extremely volatile character. Pamela is a person who has a constant inner and emotional anxiety. She live in peace, because she knows how to abstract from those life troubles that cannot be changed in any way. In addition, this stunning girl likes to rest whenever she wants. She goes in for sports and that is why her figure is so fit and sexy. Pamela is often in some need of solitude in order to rest morally, restore strength, think about her life and set come new goals. She tries to avoid conflicts and disputes. Besides, she does not take any part in the intrigues, because they have an extremely destructive effect on her.

Pamela is very kind person. She cares about others more than about herself; she knows how to bring all man’s wishes into the reality. In addition, she is quiet and calm; she treats people in the way, in which she want to be treated by them. Pamela is also a good idea generator, but she constantly needs some company. Though this stunning girl is a balanced nature, at times she is characterized by impulsiveness. She is even inclined to commit rash acts. However, she quickly takes herself in hand and, if necessary, even apologizes to those with whom she was rude. Surely, Pamela is the best present for every man!

Spezifische Details

Name des Escort Models: ---
Sexuelle Orientierung: Heterosexuell
Location: Adlershof
Alter: 18 Jahre
Preise: ---
Escort Typ: Escort Teens
Model Typ: Europäisch
Figur Typ: Mädchenhaft
Nationalität: deutsch
Gewicht: 45 Kilo
Größe: 140 cm
BH Umfang: 75
Cup: B
Konfektionsgröße: 34
Rasiert: Ja, komplett
Körperbehaarung: Wenig
Schuhgröße: EUR 36
Augenfarbe: Braun
Haarfarbe: Blond
Adresse: ---
Piercings: keine
Tattoos: Nein
Ich Spreche: ---
Ich Verstehe: ---
Ich Begleite: ---
Buchbar für: ---
Service inklusive: ---
Service Extra: ---


Berlin, Germany
Geographic coordinates: (52.5170365, 13.3888599)
Map location might not be exact

European Callgirls & Escorts


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